Official drummer of FUNKDAWGS world's first internet jazz fusion band since 2000 and winner of best internet band 2007 contest at
All tunes featured, done in long-distance by the Internet. is featured in more than 150 tunes on many music web sites and also on more than 35 albums by independent artists. Some of these tunes became hits on historic sites like and Vitaminic, and also promoted on some UK, US, French and Australian radios. Play-along CDs published by the prestigious Music Minus One company. and Funkdawgs are featured on Jazz Player Magazine CD Vol. 8, No. 3 - June/July 2001 and also on Saxophone Journal CD Vol.27, No.3 Jan/Feb 2003, Vol.28 n.6 July/Aug 2004 and Jan/Feb 2007, Bassics Magazine November 2005, Guitar World Magazine CD in June 2007 and also on CBC Network tv special on December 2003...In April 2006 Filippo and Funkdawgs published a play-along CD with Music Minus One company
Bill Lawrence bass, Bob Johnson sax,wx11, Kyle Whitlock keys, Kenny Wright bass, Woody Lingle bass, Dickie Thompson organ, Bal trumpet,
Ernie Mansfield flute, Carl Eichman guitar, Matt Thorpe guitar, John Cohmer guitar, Buk Askold guitar, Mathias Claus keys, Bobby Brewer guitar, Nicolas Genest trumpet, Daniel Martina guitar, Peggy Morris vocals, sax, flute Patti Sterling voice, Kerry Lytle keys, Alan Kheune bass,
Luc De Ryck guitar and producing, Eugene Mann soprano sax, Brent Whitlock guitar, Chris Hicks soprano sax, John Rossi congas,
C. M. trumpet, flugelhorn, Don Mcginnis bass, John Garr sax, Lord Bygon s.w., Mr. Jeza singer, Bill Cornish composer and keyboardist,
Nicolas Gueret saxophone, Christophe Dutray trumpet, Philippe Henry Trombone, Etienne M'Bappe' bass-guitar, Scott Le Rock guitar,
Tamala Parker singer, Diane Jessurun singer, John Jones executive coordinator for Ansun project, John H. Clark singer and producer,
Alexis Van Eeckhout sax, Wayne Eagles guitar, Arthur Bayram-Galy guitar, Doug Millaway keys guit producer, Rob Denton guitar,
Anthony Sarain sax flute, Tony Rogers cello viola violin, Frank Lazzaro percussion, Michael Tagart violin, Paul Hoffert percussion,
Catherine Delgadillo guitar, Yves Sordage guitar, Paul Wheeler bass, Chris Hale bass...
Just a sort of most important collaborations through the years...